Thursday, April 8, 2010

A New Voice

I am starting this blog in order to constructively articulate my whole-hearted belief that our country, currently the greatest country in the world, is moving along an ominous path. The United States of America is for the first time in her illustrious life in danger of transferring a lesser quality of life to the next generation than the previous generation enjoyed. This, in and of itself, is reason enough to voice an opinion. The fact that I am that next generation simply strengthens and amplifies that voice.

This blog’s purpose is to point out all of the hypocrisies, broken promises, and shattered dreams elected and non-elected officials alike, of ALL POLITICAL PARTIES, feed to the American people. I intend to highlight instances where our duly elected officials of this democratic REPUBLIC stray from the pivotal document on which this great country was founded upon. This document is the United States Constitution. The Constitution is not a living document. It is a document that has lived for more than 220 years and was so brilliantly written by our founding fathers that it is still pertinent today; in an environment in which they could never have imagined.

Granted they may never have imagined the world we live in today; however, they very much comprehended the cyclical nature of our world. Our founding fathers were libertarians and felt that a small federal government with robust individual rights was the best way to protect the citizens from federal tyranny. They realized that a democratic REPUBLIC would be the best way to organize our fledgling nation. Our founding fathers thought that a democracy was mob rule and eventually would lead to tyranny/dictatorship/monarchy. They did not want this…that is why they were fighting for independence from Britain.

In order to encapsulate their beliefs they wrote a great document – The United States Constitution. The Constitution gives this country its meaning, its mission, its path. And for any citizen not to understand that is to not understand the origin of their rights. They take for granted all rights in which the Constitution recognizes, not grants. As Patrick Henry, one of this country’s founding fathers once said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

I fear that Patrick Henry’s words are coming to fruition. The current climate of our federal government seems to be so entangled in our everyday lives that there is no clear way to restrain our federal government from unnecessary intrusions. Like Patrick Henry once said in his speech to the Virginia Convention, which is credited with having swung the balance of the Virginia House of Burgesses to provide troops to the revolutionary war, “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Patrick Henry was willing to die for liberty, for life without liberty was not worth living. I concur; however, a more cheerful individual (one must always look to the positive side of things) might say “Give me liberty or give me beer!”

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